
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Australian Transfomorers Weekly Episode 269, 4th June 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 270
We are recording live on Sunday June 4th, 2023 wtf!
In this weeks episode:
- Rise of the planet of the beast of the transmorphing animals is just around the corner, so let’s have a little look at what’s been released already and have some wild speculation.
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Movie News:
So there’s been 49 tv spots, 18 trailers, I’m sure most of the film has already been shown to us. But let’s start with the trailers.
- So from the official trailer, primal tells us the maximals have been in hiding along time, by the sounds of it from unicron. To humans. But now unicron has found them and wants to destroy them and seemingly the planet they inhabit.
A resent reviewer let slip unicron sends scourge to earth in search of the trans warp key which the maximals stole a long time ago and which prevents unicron from traveling through space.
- We should also mention, even thou it’s being marketed as transformers 7, and streaming services are bumping the last knight up into the top ten most popular movies hopefully not because movie goers think its a sequel to that. But it has been confirmed its a sequel to bumble bee. Takes place in 1994 but dose it exist in the same universe as the bay films?
- Primal also tells prime his never faced anything like this. And prime also says this isn’t our war presumably referring to the auto bots. So are they trying to tell us the predacons and maximals are a earlier evolution of transformers and not one from the far future? (Beast wars back story may be required.)
- And lastly looking at plot we have the terrorcons lead by scourge seemly the new minions of unicron doing his bidding on earth. Max you might have a better understanding of g1 terrorcons, weren’t they a combiner team?
But they are the new foe in the film. No deceptions, and no predacons. Why do a beasts film and not have the predacons.
- So that’s most of the plot stuff, let’s look,at some of these characters.
Mirage and Noah,
Wheel jack
Air Razor
Battle trap
- Final thoughts, there’s been some news posts online talking about the production of the film being a mess etc. I think it’s important not to listen too hard to news sites writing about films they aren’t fans of.
- So how are we going to see it. Paramount and hasbro Australia threw together a special early screening for Victorian transformers fans for this Thursday June 8th. Since this episode will be out before that screening I’m not going to say where it is so there isn’t a rush of fans trying to sneak in. But it’s not the only early screening. Event cinemas has a advanced screening on June 9th, Dendy Cinemas have one on June 10th and village cinemas have one on June 12th. All a week or so ahead of the 22nd nationwide release date.
- Max and I both have invites to the June 8th screening but unfortunately I won’t be able to make it but max is flying in from Adelaide to attend. I guess this asks the question what film would you go to extremes for just to see before everyone else?
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make collecting in Australia better for everyone.
- TCCA wants to build and support the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country.
- We make content like this podcast, we attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Australia’s largest Transformers discussion and sales communities (our Facebook groups).
- You can find more information about the club, the benefits of membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 268, Feb 17 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 268
We are recording live on Friday February 17th, 2023
If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group.
In this weeks episode:
- We'll check out the Superbowl spot for Rise Of The Beasts
- And we'll think long and hard about what options THAT licence opens up
- We've got an update on Australian releases for the new Origin Jazz figure and other recent reveals; and
- We'll have a look at some upcoming releases for Studio Series and Legacy Evolution
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Notable events
New Releases:
Local Releases:
Legacy Evolution wave 1 deluxes hit Myer, EB/Zing and Gamesmen.
Rise of the Beasts studio series figures also started to appear locally at EB/Zing and Gamesmen.
Also be aware of the Big W Rise of the Beasts promotion, you could win prizes ranging from tickets to visit Taronga Zoo to overnight safari experiences just for buying Transformers there!
Overseas Releases:
Legacy Evolution wave 2 voyagers and leaders hit shelves in Canada and got a fast follow in Asia.
Rise of the Beasts Superbowl spot features Pete Davidson's Mirage with official Porsche endorsement
And Hasbro followed up soon after with an official reveal of a Studio Series deluxe figure with an accurate, licensed Porsche 911 alt mode
Buzzworthy Origin Jazz more info
Origin Jazz will be released in Australia.
Studio Series expanding to the High Moon studios games?
First look: Studio Series 86 Snarl
Sticking with upcoming figures, let's take a look at what's to come in Legacy Evolution over the course of the year.
Jason: Galaxy Shuttle, Needlenose, Scraphook
Max: Legacy Breakdown + Menasor
Daria: Shattered Glass Soundwave
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make collecting in Australia better for everyone.
- TCCA wants to build and support the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country.
- We make content like this podcast, we attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Australia’s largest Transformers discussion and sales communities (our Facebook groups).
- You can find more information about the club, the benefits of membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 267, Feb 3 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 267
We are recording live on Friday February 3rd, 2023
If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group.
In this weeks episode we will be discussing each of the current major arms of the brand with recent news and reveals for 2023!
- Legacy Evolution
- Earthspark
- Rise of the Beasts, and
- Masterpiece
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable events
It’s 2023! What did you do over the Christmas break?
New Releases:
Local Releases:
- Earthspark figures are at Toyworld, Big W and Target
- Legacy Evolution is meant to be at EB Games (did it slip?)
Overseas Releases:
- Masterpiece Dark Amber Leo Prime is out in Asia
- Masterpiece Skyfire is also out in Asia
- Legacy Evolution wave 1 deluxes + voyagers have been out a while
Legacy Evolution
January Reveals - Evolution Wave 2 and beyond
The beyond part? A tease at the end.
Generations Selects
Titan Class Guardian Robot incoming?
New episodes announced to drop early March!
Let’s have a chat about the first batch of episodes.
If you can’t view the trailer, check here: https://twitter.com/AnArmyofBees/status/1620849706556588032
Rise of the Beasts
New Trailer for Superbowl
Uhh when is that?
Some official reveals of Studio Series figures for ROTB happened while we were off - Scourge, Bumblebee and Battletrap were revealed and it’s been a while, so we’re assuming you’ve seen them but let’s take a look.
Bumblebee (Deluxe) & Battletrap (Voyager)
Voyager Class: Cheetor
Leader Class: Scourge
Core Class: Arcee & Freezer
There’s a deluxe Airazor in the mix as well but we’ve seen her before … twice, in fact.
We have a bit more info on Freezer this week, with information from Hasbro designer King Sam Lock on Instagram that Freezer actually works with Scourge!
Turret mode connecting to the back of Scourge in vehicle mode looks GREAT.
Rise of the Beasts Kids Line Revealed
Smash Changers and Masks Revealed
(We saw the first hint of the masks around mid-2022)
Finally, a couple of pieces of Masterpiece news this week.
Dark Amber Leo Prime is out. Did anyone actually want this?
Masterpiece Skyfire is out today in Asia!
Jason: Twitch, Holiday Prime, Evolution Tarn, Breakdown, Hot Shot, Pink Hot Rod!
Mikey: Beast Wars Monopoly
Max: Legacy Wildrider, Jhiaxus, Armada Starscream
Memberships are open, check out the TCCA web site for details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make collecting in Australia better for everyone.
- TCCA wants to build and support the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country.
- We make content like this podcast, we attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Australia’s largest Transformers discussion and sales communities (our Facebook groups).
- You can find more information about the club, the benefits of membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 266, December 9 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 266
We are recording live on Friday December 9th, 2022
If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group.
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- The new Transformers Rise of the Beasts movie trailer
- The new Transformers Activate video game trailer
- The new Transformers figures revealed in the past few weeks
- And we’ll check in on HasLab’s Deathsaurus project as it enters its final days
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
- Final episode for the year! From here we all go off for our own holiday adventures!
New Releases:
Local Releases:
- Victory Saber
- Max has it in hand, let’s hear a bit about it!
- Studio Series Hot Rod / Crosshairs / Fallen
- Legacy Wave 3 deluxes
- Micro Machines at Big W
Overseas Releases:
- Legacy Evolution wave 1 is out in Asia (local release Feb/Mar)
Movie News:
Rise of the Beasts trailer
Power Is Primal poster
Studio Series SS-99 Battletrap and SS-100 Bumblebee revealed
Video Game News
Transformers Reactivate trailer released
Plot of the game
- Autobots and Decepticons playable
- Earth looks pretty much destroyed
- The Legion? Is this a new bad guy?
- Do the Autobots and Decepticons have to team up?
“Are All Dead?”
In Brief:
What the hell is Project Bear?
Legacy Listings Found - Animated Prime, Tigerhawk, Silverbolt
Legacy Medix - coming to Walgreens?
Jason: SG Slicer & ExoSuit, SG Flamewar & Fireglide (unbox), SG Soundwave
Mikey: Deadend, Velocitron Scourge
Max: Victory Saber, Deluxe Wildrider
Memberships are open, check out the TCCA web site for details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make collecting in Australia better for everyone.
- TCCA wants to build and support the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country.
- We make content like this podcast, we attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Australia’s largest Transformers discussion and sales communities (our Facebook groups).
- You can find more information about the club, the benefits of membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 265, November 11 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 265
We are recording live on Friday November 11th, 2022
If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group.
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- The first Rise of the Beasts toy appears to have appeared
- We’ll check in on the Haslab Deathsaurus crowdfund progress; and
- Some of us have seen episode 1 of Transformers Earthspark!
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
00:09:02 NEWS
Holiday Optimus Prime and Gen Selects Magnificus revealed at MCM Comic Con London
Where to order?
- Holiday Optimus Prime is at Popcultcha
- Magnificus is at Amazon Australia
Victory Saber starting to appear around Asia, in-hand images
Japanese pre-orders are live
(the Japanese preorders went live very late for Victory Saber, nice change)
Is Hasbro Pulse coming to Australia?
Hot Pre-Order: Transformers WFC Sky-Lynx New Run Available
Movie News:
Rise of the Beasts Deluxe Airazor
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Official Hasbro Toy Product Descriptions
Threezero MDLX Rodimus Prime
Discussion: Transformers Earthspark
New Releases:
Local Releases:
Shattered Glass Soundwave is at JB Hifi
GI Joe Stalker Bumblebee at JB Hifi and Zing
Legacy Wave 3 deluxes are making their way out to some stores
Studio Series wave with Crosshairs, Hot Rod, 86 Ironhide and The Fallen
Legacy Bomb-burst seems to have popped up on Amazon AU
Overseas Releases:
Studio Series wave with Crosshairs, Hot Rod, 86 Ironhide and The Fallen… and 86 Rumble
Shattered Glass Slicer
Shattered Glass Flamewar
Shattered Glass Soundwave … maybe
Jason: 86 Rumble, 86 Wheelie, GI Joe Bumblebee, Black Rodimus
Brad: bumble Bee bots, and a big blackout!
Memberships are now open, check out the web site for all the sign up details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-ragemus_prime
- Mikey is on Twitter at-VegemiteMike
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 264, October 30 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 264
We are recording live on Saturday October 29th, 2022
If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group.
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- Haslab opens its latest crowd funding project,
- Rise of the beasts marketing set to start up in December,
- And somebody set Robosen’s photocopier to 80%
All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
00:06:41 New Releases:
Local Releases:
It’s nearly a new month, so all the new Transformers are starting to make their way out to our retail shelves! Sightings this week include:
- Studio Series Hot Rod and Crosshairs
- Studio Series 86 Ironhide
- Studio Series The Fallen
- Legacy Cybertron Metroplex
While we’re at it, we also want to mention the continuing confirmed restocks of Velocitron figures at Kmart stores around the country - if there’s a figure from this line you’re after, keep looking as stock is being refreshed all the time at stores. If you really can’t find something, you can also use TCCA’s Buy/Sell/Trade group on Facebook to see if someone else in the community can pick one up and post it to you.
Overseas Releases:
New items released overseas this week include
- Shattered Glass Slicer & Exo-suit (not coming to Australia)
Transformers Haslab Deathsaurus Officially Revealed, Crowdfunding Live Now
Grey prototype on display
Robosen Auto Converting Optimus Prime Elite Edition Official Announcement
Super 7 ReAction Transformers Wave 6 New Stock Images
News in brief:
New Transformers Botbots Ruckus Rally Series 6 8-packs In-Package Images
Transformers Beyond Reality VR Game Launching in EU and AU Markets
Hot Pre-Order – Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege Commander Jetfire Reissue
Movie News:
Transformers Rise Of The Beasts Marketing Campaign To Start In December
Jason: NIL
Mikey: NIL
Max: Maketoys God Ginrai
Memberships are now open, check out the web site for all the sign up details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-ragemus_prime
- Mikey is on Twitter at-VegemiteMike
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 263, October 20 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 263
We are recording live on Thursday October 20th, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- An early look at some upcoming Legacy Evolution figures from 2023;
- New Buzzworthy figures creating a stir in G1 fans’ wallets; and
- Mirage is … Pete Davidson!?
- All of that is coming up (or not) in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
00:07:06Velocitron Galaxy Shuttle released in the UK
Prime Vs Prime looks at Legacy Evolution Scraphook and Needlenose
Hasbro Share Price Drops
- Do higher prices affect your purchasing decisions?
- How much is too much?
In depth look at Hot Shot from Markclonus
Buzzworthy line expands with new retools: Hatchet, Hound
News in brief:
Core Rumble In Hand pics
Earth's Favourite Transformers convention returns for 2023!
Movie News:
Pete Davidson and Michelle Yeoh join the cast of Rise of the Beasts
Jason: Minerva, Crasher
Mikey: Crasher, Knockout
Max: Wreckers Collection Bulkhead, Newage Toshiro
Memberships are now open, check out the web site for all the sign up details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-ragemus_prime
- Mikey is on Twitter at-VegemiteMike
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 262, October 7 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 262
We are recording live on Saturday October 6th, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- The one Hot Rod to rule them all has arrived
- Velocitron’s got a new leader; and
- Hasbro’s Investor Day brings us a little news … but no surprises
- All of that is coming up (or not) in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable events
- Bulletproof Villain?
New Releases:
Local Releases:
- Velocitron wave 2 deluxe wider spread
- MPM at JB Hi-fi
- Pulsecon pre-orders at EB & JB
- Amazon sale
Overseas Releases:
- Legacy wave 3 in Asia
- Tonkanator at US retail
Transformers The Movie G1 reissues
Velocitron wave 2 leader is Galaxy Shuttle!
Earthspark pre-orders live on Hasbro Pulse
- Can talk about the Deluxes from Oz Comic con here
Hasbro Investor Day coverage
- Earthspark season 2
- Paramount contact continuing
- ROTB = trilogy?
- Animated movie coming
- Contract covers Transformers live action and GI Joe, other hasbro properties common back in-house at Entertainment One
News in brief:
MPG-04 release set for June 2023
NZ Mint Optimus Prime coin images
Movie News:
First look at ROTB Prime
Jason: SDCC
Daria: CW G2 Aerialbots
Memberships are now open, check out the web site for all the sign up details.
Future podcast production note:
The podcast release will be moving from Monday nights to Tuesday nights. We apologise if you start the week with the show, but it’s a required step behind the scenes.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-ragemus_prime
- Mikey is on Twitter at-VegemiteMike
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 261, October 1 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 261
We are recording live on Saturday October 1, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- Pulsecon, Pulsecon, PULSECON!
Notable things that happened this week … or month
00:03:38 Hasbro Pulse con
Memberships are now open, check out the web site for all the sign up details.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-ragemus_prime
- Mikey is on Twitter at-VegemiteMike
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 260, September 16 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 260
We are recording live on Friday September 16th, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- We have a new cartoon series to
- Discuss,
- When ever isn’t there a black repaint to talk about!
- And lord megatrons finally arrived in his beastly glory,
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Notable things that happened this week … or month
00:11:18 New Releases:
Local Releases:
- Velocitron restocks are happening at Kmarts around the country
- Studio Series 86 Arcee is showing up in Kmart stores
- Kmart is having a Legacy deluxe sale - $28ea
- Big W has 20% off toys at the moment
- Amazon usually price matches these things
Overseas Releases:
- New Zealand FTW! New Velocitron figures Shadowstrip and Crasher
- https://news.tfw2005.com/2022/09/14/transformers-velocitron-speedia-500-deluxe-g2-shadowstrip-crasher-out-in-new-zealand-first-in-hand-images-465277
- Hopefully these will show up in Kmart Australia soon
Velocitron Hot Rod colours inspired by original toy
Transformers Earthspark character roster and alt modes revealed:
Transformers Masterpiece Movie Bumblebee Movie MPM-12N Nemesis Prime
News in brief:
Officially Licensed Dark Of The Moon Megatron Voice Changer Mask & High End Baby Figurine By Killerbody
Super7 ReAction Wave 6 includes a prototype Unicron figure
New leak of upcoming figures for Legacy and Studio Series
- 86 Brawn Deluxe
- 86 Frenzy Core (to go with Rumble)
- Legacy Deluxe Shadowstriker & Strongarm - RID2017 first?
- Legacy Leader Skyquake & Dreadwing - TF Prime favourites
- Legacy Dirge; Ramjet has been rumoured - long-awaited reissues?
- Legacy Devcon
Zavvi Exclusive Transformers Autobot & Decepticon 24k Gold Plated Medallions
Movie News:
Flex Changers Toy Line Discovered
Rise of the Beasts info was given out to attendees at recent licensing convention, we should expect to see more in the coming months
Mikey: Shattered Glass II Issue 1
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.