
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 259, September 2 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 259
We are recording live on Friday August 19th, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing:
- Toy reveals
- A new cartoon show, and
- TFNation's retelling of the movie that we didn't get in 1986
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Notable things that happened this week … or month
- Talk about TFNation here 😀
Local Releases:
Legacy Wave 2 at JB/EB
New Studio Series wave at JB (86 Arcee? 🤷♂️)
GI Joe HISS Tank Megatron at JB/EB
Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus at JB
Velocitron at Kmart
(Let's talk a little bit about Cosmos)
Overseas Releases:
Premium Finish SS 05 Optimus Prime
Transformers Studio Series The Last Knight SS-92 Crosshairs & Hot Rod Official In-Hand Images
Studio Series Leader Class The Fallen – In-hand Images
Transformers Legacy Wave 3
Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Official Images
Gen Selects Magnificus
Transformers EarthSpark Toyline Official Images
The Cast Of Transformers: Earthspark Officially Announced
Transformers Legacy “A Hero Is Born” Orion Pax & Alpha Trion 2-Pack In-Hand Images
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 258, July 8 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 258
We are recording live on Friday July 8th, 2022
In this weeks episode we will be discussing…
- What would we like to see from a live action series?
- More images of masterpiece Skyfire,
- And do not pass go, we are stopping to discuss beast wars monopoly
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week … or month
New Releases:
Local Releases:
Legacy Blitzwing
Legacy Elita-1
SS86 Sludge
Motormaster @ Big W sale
BW Wolfang / Scorponok
Toy sales are on everywhere! Remember, you can price match.
Overseas Releases:
Legacy Wave 2 Cores (Prime, G2 Megatron, Shockwave, Iguanus)
Legacy Wave 2 Deluxes (Wildrider, Tarantulas, Knockout, Elita-1)
Legacy Wave 2 Voyagers (Jhiaxus, Soundwave)
Buzzworthy Terrorsaur
Buzzworthy Dinobot
Tensegrity Stands
Rumor: A Transformers Live-Action Series In The Works For Paramount+?
Takara Tomy Masterpiece Beast Wars MP-48+ Dark Amber Leo Prime Official Images
Transformers Masterpiece Movie MPM-13 Blackout New Stock Images
Transformers Legacy Voyager Armada Starscream & Beast Wars Inferno First Images
Transformers Masterpiece MP-57 Skyfire In-Hand Images
News in brief:
Monopoly Beast Wars Transformers In-Hand Images – Closer look At The Board And Tokens
Niantic’s Transformers Heavy Metal AR Mobile Game Cancelled
Jason: MPG-01 Shouki, Legacy Knockout, Legacy Wildrider
Brad: new tracks,
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 257, June 3 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 257
We are recording live on Friday June 3rd, 2022
In this weeks jam-packed episode we will be discussing…
- The new Masterpiece Jet– er, Skyfire reveal hot off the presses
- The Legacy Wreck n Rule collection, and
- Legacy Motormaster makes his global debut in Australia!
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week
New Releases:
Local Releases:
Motormaster @ Big W
Beast Wars Reissues Scorponok, Cybershark, Wolfang @ Big W
Studio Series Bumblebee Arcee (and presumably Ironhide) @ Kmart
Lego Optimus Prime released June 1 - sold out everywhere
Overseas Releases:
Legacy Blitzwing
Masterpiece MP-57 Skyfire
Transformers Legacy Commander Class Motormaster Out In Australia – New In-Hand Images
Transformers Legacy Motormaster In-Hand Images – Menasor Comparison Size & Combiner Wars Compatibility
Transformers Legacy Wreck n Rule collection - Twin Twist
(we did look at this last episode, but it was made official just after we recorded)
Legacy Ransack - Kickback repaint
Legacy Clampdown
Velicitron Speedia 500 Collection revealed
Max: Shattered Glass Jetfire, Gen selects Galvatron, Legacy Drag Strip, ¾ of a Buzzworthy four pack
Brad: Beast Wars Re Issue Primal
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday May 16, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 256, May 13 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 256
We are recording live on Friday The 13th of May, 2022?
In this weeks jam-packed episode we will be discussing…
- Hasbro’s going all-in on the Wreckers
- A new g1 masterpiece figure has been revealed and got us all in a spin,
- Lego and Hasbro have gotten into bed,
- And … would you buy a metroplex over a metre tall?
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Notable things that happened this week
New Releases:
Local Releases:
Transformers at JB Hifi!
Legacy wave on Australian shelves and shipping from Amazon
Target has Legacy Beasts (US Walmart exclusive) listed on their website
Kmart has a $15 clearance sale on Kingdom Deluxes!
Overseas Releases:
SS 86 Sludge
SS 86 Junkheap
SS Bumblebee Ironhide
SS Bumblebee Arcee
Legacy Blitzwing is coming next week
It is fair to say this is the busiest we’ve been in some time with Transformers reveals up the wazoo! A lot of these reveals are showing figures that will be coming out in the next few months so we may move swiftly between stories as there will be plenty of opportunity to see figures up close as they near release. Remember that if you want to find out more about the stories, you can find links to everything we’re talking about in the show notes.
Transformers Legacy Wreck ‘N Rule Collection
Impactor and Spindle
Leadfoot and Masterdominus
Twin Twist (expected reveal for Saturday morning)
Shattered Glass Blaster with Rewind
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Terrorsaur & Dinobot, Red Cog and MPM Blackout
MP-56 Masterpiece Trailbreaker
Studio Series
New Deluxe wave - Bumblebee, Sideways, 86 Arcee
86 Arcee is a retool of Thrilling 30 figure - unexpected twist!
Lego Optimus Prime
We should note the sobering news here that nobody has heard from Hasbro’s Kre-O team since the announcement of this collaboration. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and we’re hoping to hear that they are safe and sound soon.
News in brief:
Transformers Bumblebee Movie Arcee Smart Kit (Model Kit) By Trumpeter In-Hand Images
Like Toys G1 Metroplex Color Renders (48 Inches / 121 cm tall)
Do you want a 1-metre tall Metroplex? A few people seem to.
Love the note that it won’t be a “stupid price”.
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday May 02, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 255, April 29 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 255
We are recording live on Friday April 29th, 2022.
In this episode we will be discussing….
- New Legacy Reveals
- The latest Movie Masterpiece figure, and
- Would you pay money for the Netflix War For Cybertron series?
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week
Facebook had a small meltdown today that resulted in posts from the earliest days of the group resurfacing in the group's news feed. This caused some confusion as people thought Metroplex was back on store shelves as per Brad's informative post from 2013! https://m.facebook.com/groups/transformerscca/permalink/214085952085349/
00:12:32 New Releases:
Local Releases:
Legacy is coming! It’s listed on Big W’s site now.
Overseas Releases:
Studio Series Sludge
Studio Series Bumblebee Ironhide & Arcee (repack w Wheeljack & Percy)
First Look At Transformers Masterpiece Movie MPM-13 Blackout – Official Stock Images
Titan Class Transformers Cybertron Metroplex Official Pics, Pre-Orders Live!
Transformers Generations Selects Cyclonus (Toy Colors) Pre-Orders Live
Legacy Twin Twist - Titans Return repaint in diaclone colours
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Dinobot leaks
Buzzworthy 4-pack 2.0 - Scorponok and Parasite leaked
What else is in the box?
News in brief:
Transformers War for Cybertron Season 1 Siege Available For Digital Purchase
Tom Whalen 86 Movie posters coming
Movie News:
First ROTB footage shown at CinemaCon
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 254, April 15 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 254
We are recording live on Friday April 15th, 2022.
In this episode we will be discussing….
- Legacy figures continue to roll out
- Robosen Prime gets backup (and our wallets get ready to hurt); and
- We finally get a look at Hasbro’s newest combiner … sort of
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
00:06:58 New Releases:
Local Releases:
SS 86 Perceptor has been turning up more consistently on Amazon AU and can be found in store at EB / Zing
Titan Ark price is still fluctuating on Amazon AU
Legacy Wave 1 release brought forward
Overseas Releases:
Legacy Beasts Nightprowler, Sandstorm, Buzzsaw
Legacy Buzzworthy Bumblebee Autobot Silverstreak
Legacy Leader Laser Optimus Prime
Legacy Leader Galvatron
Transformers Legacy Wave 2 Official Pics and Pre-Orders Live!
Robosen's Optimus Prime Transformer robot truck gets an auto-converting trailer
News in brief:
Transformers Optimus Prime 2022 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament: Official Description, Listing and Photos
Ultimetal Rodimus + Galvatron
Movie News:
First Look At Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Optimus Prime CGI Render
Jason: Flame Toys Rodimus, Iron Factory Magnus + Jetfire (& unboxed some things)
Max: Big Firebird Arcee repaint
Alan: XTB Andras & Savant
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly(ish) Episode 253, April 1st 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 253
We are recording live on Friday April 1st, 2022.
In this episode we will be discussing….
- New figures on the way!
- The bot bots trailer is here, who cares what else there is. yay!!
All of that is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week? Month? YEAR!
-Natural disasters across the country. Our thoughts go out to everyone involved.
-conventions and events are starting to happen again. Collector con in Sydney and comixpo in Melbourne a couple of the most recent events.
00:14:24 New Releases:
Local Releases:
- Core 86 Spike
Overseas Releases:
- Legacy Core
- Legacy Voyager
- Legacy Deluxe
- Legacy Leader
- Buzzworthy Silverstreak
- MP Nightbird
- MP Crosscut
Legacy is here, what do we think?
(Jason’s Legacy deluxes & Bulkhead pics)
Transformers Legacy Leader Blitzwing First Look & In-Hand Images
Figure King #290 Scans – Robosen Prime, Studio Series, & Legacy
RED Shockwave and Galvatron
Details of Shockwave sculpt: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/03ZYnK
Earthspark Premiere date - November
Paramount+ and Nickelodeon
Hasbro Ignite info re toy line:
“Transformers: Earthspark presents many firsts for Transformers that we’re bringing to life for kids. Leaning into insights, we’ve identified core pillars of play that allow us to take conversion to another level and connect with kids to deliver on the magic they want [to be] brought to life in toys. Surprise Conversion, Classic Conversion, and Magic Conversion will create a true show-to-shelf moment for the line and an innovative new way to convert Earthspark’s greatest heroes.”
BotBots Week:
Botbots Series is here!
Season 1 now on Netflix
- Short two-story episodes
- Funny
- No Autobot/Decepticon wars (so far)
Trailer: https://news.tfw2005.com/2022/02/25/transformers-botbots-cartoon-official-trailer-450804
New Transformers Botbots Ruckus Rally Series 6 Revealed
News in brief:
Symbiote Studios Transformers Pins: WonderCon Anaheim 2022 Exclusives Announced
Movie News:
Hasbro Ignite offers some info about Rise of the Beasts
Confirmation it’s set in Bumblebee Universe
”We’re partnering with eOne, Paramount, and a visionary new director to bring to life a Transformers story like you’ve never seen. The film will pick up after the events of 2018’s Bumblebee and follows Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and an unlikely team of humans who are joined by a group of powerful new allies; the Transformers Beasts. The introduction of beast characters will be a significant moment for all. From kids to core fans, and especially those who grew up with Beast Wars in the 90s. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts raises the stakes and set us up for what’s to come over the next few years in our film franchise.”
Possible First Look At Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Battle Changers Bumblebee
Brad: Legends Ravage, wreck gar
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 252, February 6 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 252.
We are recording live on Sunday, 6th Feb, 2022.
In this episode we’ll be talking about
All this and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week? We haven’t recorded since in November, what’s been happening?
Movie News
And In Other News…
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Australian Transformers Weekly Episode 251, January 28th 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 251.
We are recording live on Friday, 28th January, 2022.
In this episode we’ll be talking about
- Dust off the cobwebs, we have new Tamara figure images to look at,
- The new legacy line has some familiar looking figures in it,
- And Brad snuck statues into the runsheet again….
All this and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!
Hosts introduction
Notable things that happened this week? We haven’t recorded since in November, what’s been happening?
Gen Selects Black Zarak
Gen Selects Lift Ticket
Studio Series 86 Starscream
Studio Series 86 Perceptor
Studio Series 86 Hot Rod (new packaging)
Studio Series Bumblebee Wheeljack
Studio Series Bumblebee Brawn
Studio Series Bumblebee Ratchet
Studio Series Bumblebee Soundwave
Studio Series Core Ravage
Studio Series Core Shockwave
… and another couple of important international sightings we’ll get to …
Gen Selects Black Zarak at EB / Zing
Gen Selects Lift Ticket at EB / Zing
Golden Disk sets are on Amazon AU
Tigatron & Blaster are on Amazon AU & at Comic Book Heroes in Brisbane
Studio Series Core Ravage & Shockwave at Caseys Toys & Toymate
You can of course find a lot of these items at online retailers like Robotoyz, Deformation Toys, Big Kids Collectables and more.
Transformers Legacy Wave 1 Voyager Out In France
Transformers Studio Series Core Class Exo Suit Spike Witwicky Found In United Arab Emirates
Transformers Legacy Leader Laser Optimus Prime In-Hand Images
Takara Tomy Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Wheeljack And Brawn Official In-Hand Images
Figure King No. 288 Scans: Masterpiece MPG-02 Trainbot Getsuei, Studio Series, Kingdom And More
And In Other News…
Confirmed: IDW to Lose Transformers & GI Joe License at End of 2022
Melbourne Toy Hobby Licensing Fair 2022 Cancelled after New York and nuremberg fair fairs cancelled.
International events cancelled
Queen Studios Collectibles Revenge Of The Fallen Jetwing Optimus Prime vs Megatron Diorama Prototype
Threezero MDLX Bumblebee In-Hand
Brad: titan ark, studio series jazz
Max: Generations WFC Hotlink, Cloud Roadbuster
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Australian Transformers Weekly - Episode 250, November 20th 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.
This is episode 250.
We are recording live on Friday, 19th November, 2021.
In this episode we’ll be talking about
- Kingdom is not quite done yet with a few last minute surprises
- Finally tf bumble bee cybertronian versions are coming!
- We’re going to be waiting a little longer for rise of the beasts
- And other we have some masterpiece news
All this and more is coming up in this week’s episode
Kingdom Blaster, Pipes and Slammer officially revealed (just in time before their release)
New Studio Series Bumblebee Reveals – Soundwave, Ratchet, Brawn, Wheeljack, Ravage, & Shockwave!
Transformers Masterpiece MP-54 Reboost In-Hand Images
Takara Tomy Transformers MPG-01 Trainbot Shouki Alt Mode Official In-Hand Images
Movie News
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Delayed to June 9, 2023
And In Other News…
Transformers x adidas Optimus Prime and Megatron Running Shoes Revealed!
Actually while we’re talking shoes, Zavvi has some nice Transformers: The Movie shoes!
Daria: TF 84 TPB
Bradley: Gnaw, Wreck Gar, Toy Galvatron, Sweeps, Hotlink, K Scorponok
Jason: SG Jetfire, Premium Finish Prime/Bee, Red BAPE G1 Prime, and …
- Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.
- To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.
- Want to get in touch with us?
- Please do! We love listener feedback.
- Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com
- Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
- We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.
- If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed
This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.
- TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make it better for everyone.
- Our goal is to build the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country. We make content like this podcast, attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Facebook largest dedicated Australian Transformers discussion and sales communities.
- You can find more information about the benefits of TCCA membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com
- TCCA is Transformers Collectors Club Australia on Facebook and “transformerscca” on Twitter.
- Jason is on Twitter at-jm-77
- Bradley is on Twitch at-groovy-guy-gaming
- And check out Brad’s Budget Adventure Show on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSpo6Tz9LMdkoolLnzycCJQ
That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.